Witset Particulate Readings
To find out more about particulate (PM) – ash and smoke particles that are so small they get down our airways and into our lungs – click this : PurpleAirUnderstandingGuide.
The BVLD Airshed Management Society and the Witset Band are collaborating. The BVLDAMS bought the original purple air sensor and Floyd Naziel and the maintenance guys installed it. We are now onto the third sensor at the Health Unit and this one is on loan from the First Nation Health Authority.
A close Look at Witset Oct 27 – Nov. 1, 2022
This report needs your comments!

For other reports and data archives look right.
Air Quality Advisories
For Provincial air quality advisories click here.
Health Messaging
We would like to link this up to live recommendations relevant to Witset but for now know colour codes on the number on the Witset sensor relate to this chart showing the risk of your exposure:

Short Term Impacts:
Spikes in Levels of PM2.5 or PM10 can be dangerous to your health. Short Term levels to worry about are those that last 1 hour to 24 hours. A 10 minute spike is common when people light up stoves. Don’t worry!
What to do if you notice spikes or high levels at the sensor…
- Move indoors, walk in the direction where air is clear, reschedule or cancel outdoor events, go on a sleep over.
- Close your windows and doors. Run HEPA or other home air filters. Some people are known to put foam in their windows to filter the air but we can help you build cheap home air filters. We can provide you a square filter for a box fan and this will filter tiny particles including particulate, pollen and animal dander.
- Use other forms of heat. Try using a heat pump or go electric when readings are high, using a wood heating appliance will only add to the problem.
Long Term Impacts:
- Northern Health Authority, also more on Box Fans and filters
- the Witset Community Wood Smoke Reduction Program
- the Witset Housing Fire Safety Upgrades, contact: call the band office
Burning Restrictions
We hope this page will list restrictions for Witset but call the band office
Health Indexes
There are no accurate indexes for Witset.
This page will list relevant Health Indexes and guides on understanding them.
For commonly used indexes check out: (more to come)
Province of BC Air Quality Health Index
Venting Reports
This page will provide the link on current venting reports for Smithers. If you intend to light slash or debris piles, do back yard burning or want to light the smoke houses – you can ask for predictions on venting.
Good venting typically means lower levels of particulate matter.
This is a consideration if there is an outdoor event the same day or poor venting will last a while – like your outdoor fire.
Visual Reports
Got pics? Send them to us: coordinator@cleanairplan.ca
Here are the nearest traffic cams.
Weather Reports
This list has cool weather apps for Witset.
This page could also list weather stations in the area.
Emission Source Reports
The most current simple inventory of emissions in our area. This is for the base years of 2015 and 2016.
A scientific micro emission inventory of the same.
Look to your right for sensor data archives.
Other Links
- INDIGENOUS EDUCATIONAL TOOLKIT for Understanding Air Quality & the Impacts on Health and Well-Being
- purpleair – http://purpleair.org
- maps – http://map.purpleair.org
- sensors and data – https://map.purpleair.org/sensorlist
- BVLD AMS – http://cleanairplan.ca